The CNC turning center, your guarantee for market success

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Tschudin + Heid AG – Precision and partnership in a nutshell. Precision in the execution of complex orders is our long-standing core competence. At the same time, we work dynamically and flexibly - that is the constant demand we place on ourselves!



Our combination of the latest technology, expertise and many years of experience guarantees optimum development and production.


In-house products

We also produce our own products, which represent an important extension and addition to our range.

In-house products


Our high level of vertical integration also allows us to supply parts and assemblies with several downstream processing steps from a single source.



CNC turning centers have become a prerequisite for customer satisfaction

It’s the sum of the parts that matter. Customers investing in a high-tech machine to streamline processes and complete difficult tasks rightfully expect that machine to run smoothly and reliably, with little or no downtimes. Those downtimes and the need to correct the inner workings of a machine often derive from errors caused by parts that have not been perfectly fit. For this reason, it often pays in the form of customer loyalty when a CNC turning center is used in the manufacturing process.

CNC turning centers set new benchmarks for precision manufacturing

For turning parts, CNC lathes have been the standard solution in manufacturing. These are the machines that you will see most commonly in the workshops of CNC milling services. And indeed, these lathes will in many cases produce satisfying results. However, CNC turning centers go a step further and have quickly become the tool of choice for companies looking for quick, efficient and highly precise manufacturing solutions for their machines. When you’re looking for a service partner to provide you with high-quality components, look for this type of machinery on the work floor.

The progressive advantages of a CNC turning center

CNC turning centers are usually fully enclosed so that the chips of the material being worked on do not leave the machine. This is a distinction that indicates the added abilities of these progressive machines. Contrary to CNC lathes, turning centers can have three, four or even more axes which enable the machine to work faster and more accurately than comparable machinery. By that, their use shortens the time needed to manufacture a part while the CNC technology makes sure that all components produced adhere to the same quality standards.

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Do you have any questions about our services or would you like to contact us? Simply contact us by e-mail. We will process your request as quickly as possible and look forward to receiving your e-mail.

Many industries prefer the use of CNC turning centers

There are quite a few industries that depend on the delivery of perfectly designed and most accurately constructed machine parts. Such parts find use in automobiles and airplanes, in medical technology or in extraction machinery and in many other fields. Parts that do not comply with the standards set in the construction plans can conjure up huge challenges with potentially severe economic and financial implications for companies in this field. This is why they are usually very picky when deciding on a service provider and expect them to work with CNC turning centers.

Added efficiency thanks to the use of CNC turning centers

When compared to previously used methods of metalwork, one quickly realizes that CNC turning centers are operating in a multidimensional way. The machines can be equipped with a variety of tools and applications. For example, they can bore or mill material in one process. That saves a lot of time and minimizes the risk of costly production errors in the making process. The savings made possible by this clever combination of processing steps go a long way towards stabilizing revenues for brands in many fields.